All training classes are $225 for 6 weeks of classes hosted by North Branch Obedience.
Classes are held in our facility in the orange playroom.

Jan Cohen has over 30 years experience with dog obedience training.
Beginner Obedience Class
This class goes over teaching the dog and the owner basic skills. How to hold your leash for proper control and corrections, sit, stay, heel, recalls, down, and leave it. We also incorporate CGC (Canine Good Citizen) skills that focus on good manners and responsible pet ownership.
Intermediate Obedience Class
Teaching dog and owner more advanced skills. Includes longer sit/stay, down/stay, off leash work and more! You will need permission from Jan to enter into this class.
Canine Good Citizen
CGC is a ten step skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and responsible pet ownership. At North Branch Obedience we believe that all dogs can be good dogs, and all owners can be good owners. All it takes is a little bit of training, lots of love, and a lot of praise along the way!
Therapy Dog Class
Evaluation exercises, socialization, and desensitization. Provide trips and tricks for testing and future visits. You will have fun in this class! It will be enjoyable for both you and your dog as well as sharing your dogs love and healing power with those in need.